Getting It Right? Tips For Choosing The Right Heat For Your New Home

Posted on: 4 March 2021
When buying an existing home, buyers often must accept the heat type or source already installed in the home. Those who choose to build a custom home or completely renovate their current home are able to take more control over all aspects of the project, including the selection of heating appliances and the type of fuel needed to power them.  If you are currently planning a new custom home building project or major renovation project, the following information will help you make important decisions about how it will be heated.
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3 Quick Checks To Make Before Calling An Air Conditioning Repair Service For Help

Posted on: 27 January 2021
When your air conditioner breaks down on a hot day, you want the problem fixed as soon as possible. Your home gets hot and stuffy fast when the AC doesn't blow out cool air. You may have no clue about what could be wrong with your AC, but there are still a few things you might want to check. Here are three quick checks you can make before calling an air conditioning company.
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Winter Is Here, So Stopping Putting Off Your AC Maintenance

Posted on: 14 December 2020
You're all bundled up and dreading stepping outside into the cold, so your air conditioner is probably the last thing on your mind. Sadly, the tilt of the Earth's axis and its rotation around the sun are both reasonably reliable, so winter will inevitably give way to spring and summer. If you've put off critical air conditioning maintenance, then the joy of a new summer may quickly turn into horror.
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4 Unforeseen Costs When Replacing An HVAC System

Posted on: 9 December 2020
Do you need to have your entire HVAC system replaced because it is on its last legs? If so, you likely want to know how much it will cost before you have your furnace and air conditioner replaced. However, there are some unforeseen costs that come with having an HVAC system installed that you are not aware of.  Wiring Replacement Between your air conditioner and the electrical box on the side of your home is some wiring, and that wiring can sometimes be just as old as your air conditioner.
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