3 Questions Homeowners Should Consider Discussing With An HVAC Contractor
Posted on: 14 September 2021
Learning more about your home, especially its major systems, is an important part of being a proactive homeowner. This is especially true in relation to the HVAC system because of the many components it requires and the bearing it has on the home's overall level of comfort. Homeowners who would like to benefit from learning more about their home's HVAC system and how it functions should consider discussing the following questions with a reputable HVAC contractor.
What is a zoned heating and cooling system?
Many homes achieve comfort with a single unit, but they might be better served by converting to a zoned system. In basic terms, a zoned system is designed with dampers in critical areas of the ducts that allow heated and cooled air to be regulated and redirected in order to increase comfort and operation efficiency. Zoned systems can be very beneficial in helping to eliminate uncomfortably hot or cold areas. They can also allow homeowners to use each zone's thermostats to fulfill different heating and cooling needs in individual zones.
Are there good reasons to avoid switching a conventional HVAC system to a heat pump?
As the name suggests, heat pumps work by pumping heat from one place to another. For example, in summer, hot air inside the home can be pumped outside and replaced with cooler air sourced from a system of underground pipes. In winter, the action is reversed to bring ground temperature air into the home where it can be warmed and distributed.
When considering a switch to a heat pump to gain a more efficient heating and cooling experience, homeowners must consider the ambient temperature ranges in their area before making a final decision. In general, areas that routinely experience significantly low temperatures may not be suitable for a standard heat pump. Instead, homeowners in these areas may want to focus on hybrid heat pumps that use gas or oil as a backup heat source in very cold weather.
What is the most important thing homeowners do to increase HVAC efficiency and reduce repair and replacement costs?
Installing fresh filters on a frequent basis is an important part of increasing efficiency and decreasing the mechanical wear that most often results in expensive repair issues to residential heating and cooling equipment. Homeowners who would like to learn more about their HVAC systems should discuss their questions and concerns with a reputable HVAC contractor in their area. Contact an HVAC contractor for more information.