Answering A Couple Of Basic Furnace Questions

Posted on: 12 March 2018

A furnace is a common type of heating unit that can be ideal for homes that are located in areas with especially harsh winters. These devices are able to efficiently produce large amounts of heat; however, there are homeowners that simply lack a thorough understanding about these systems. If you are wanting to improve your ability to make smart and informed choices about your heating system, there are some key pieces of information that you should have:

How Can You Tell Whether Your Furnace Is Suffering Performance Problems?

Performance problems with the furnace can be problematic for your home in a number of ways. These issues can compromise the ability of the furnace to produce enough heat to sufficiently keep your house warm, as well as leading to higher energy costs, as the system will be less efficient at converting energy to heat. Even seemingly minor performance issues can lead to the system requiring major repairs, due to the increased wear and tear that the heating unit may experience.

Due to the fact that there are many different types of performance issues that these heating systems can experience, there may be a variety of warning signs that indicate a problem. For example, some of the more common warning signs that performance issues are occurring will be a reduction in heat output, loud noises, strange smells, and intense vibrations.

Are There Any Steps Needed To Prepare Your Furnace For The Dormant Summer Months?

The summer months can require your furnace to be dormant for many months without being used. While it may seem like this would be a stress-free time for the furnace, it can experience some sizable forms of wear and tear if the system is not properly prepared for the summer. A common problem that your heating unit will experience during this time of the year may be the accumulation of large amounts of dirt and dust. As these materials gather, they can get inside where the internal airflow can be greatly compromised. Preventing this issue will require protective cloth to be put over the furnace during these months.

Another problem that can arise due to the dormancy of the summer months will be residues hardening. As the furnace ignites fuel, it will produce a variety of residues; these residues will gradually accumulate over the course of the winter. During the long summer months, it can be possible for these substances to harden. By thoroughly cleaning the furnace before you place the protective cover over it, you may be able to drastically reduce the amount of residue that can harden.

Follow these tips, and schedule regular furnace repair and maintenance with a professional HVAC company in your area.
